The College of Dentistry at Kuwait University received an academic delegation from the Royal College of Dentistry in Canada, accompanied by the President of the College of Dentistry at the Kuwait Institute for Medical Specializations (KIMS), Dr. Fahad Al-Zoubi. The Acting Dean of the College, Dr. Rashid Al-Azemi, the Acting Assistant Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Dr. Mai Khalaf, the Acting Assistant Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, Dr. Fawaz Al-Zoubi, the Acting Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs, Consultations and Training, Dr. Jaber Akbar, the former Dean Dr. Jawad Behbehani, and the Acting Acting Managing Director Rania Al-Kulaib all welcomed the delegation.
During their visit, the delegation was briefed on the system and curriculum followed in the College of Dentistry and the Medical Sciences Center followed by a field tour in the college's laboratories in addition to the clinical track represented by the clinics of the College of Dentistry KUDC.