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Why Become A Dentist?

Dentistry offers a rewarding career, full of opportunities. The widespread concept that the dentist is one who only “fixes teeth” is rapidly changing. Increasing public awareness of the importance of oral health and the development of new mechanisms of providing dental care has increased the demands for dental services. The future of Dentistry is bright and promising!

What Is Dentistry?

Dentistry is the art and science of the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, functional disturbances and trauma in the teeth, mouth and jaws. Dentistry is the branch of the healing arts and sciences devoted to maintaining the health of the gums and soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity. The teeth, mouth and jaws are integral parts of the body and, therefore, whatever affects this system affects the body as a whole, and vice versa. A healthy oral cavity ensures proper mastication and food intake, normal speech, facial appearance and maintenance of general health. Dentists play a vital role in early detection of oral cancer and systemic diseases with oral manifestations.
Like medicine and surgery, it is practiced in specialized fields such as: Oral Surgery, Orthodontics (alignment of teeth), Periodontics (diseases of the gums), Prosthodontics (partial or total tooth replacement), Endodontics (treatment of dental pulp chamber and canals), Pedodontics (dental problems of children) and Dental Public Health.

Career Options

The dental profession offers a variety of career options. The dentist may choose to practice general dentistry either in a private clinic or public clinic or further specialize in any one of the internationally recognized dental specialties. Becoming a specialist requires additional years of training depending on the specialty. The dentist may choose group practice or join the government service. It is also possible to pursue Dental research or an Academic career. Such a career requires, in addition to a clinical specialty, a higher academic degree in preparation for research and teaching.