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Admission Requirements To The College of Dentistry

High school students who hold secondary school certificate (Science Major), or its equivalent, with a minimum percentage of 85% in the high school marks.
Priority of admission will be given to applicants who have the highest equivalent Grade Point Average of the secondary school percentage and the results of aptitude tests as follows:
High school grades - 75%
Result of English Language Aptitude test - 15%
Results of Mathematics Aptitude test - 10%
To be able to be promoted to the second year, the student must pass all the subjects of the first year, during the first and second semesters after joining the University and must achieve the required minimum GPA of 2.00 points out of 4.00 points.

Admission Regulations To The B.Med.Sc. Program

The maximum number of students, including non-Kuwaitis, admitted to the College of Dentistry will be as follows:

Total students: 60