The Department of Restorative Sciences, as an integral part of the College of Dentistry, is devoted to the education of well-rounded dental graduates, who are capable of a leadership role in the oral healthcare team. And also to carry out research for the advancement of restorative sciences, and bring about innovations in restorative dental practice.
Provide students with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to preserve and/or restore dentitions that are damaged or partially/completely missing, to required levels of individual functional need, consistent with the total wellbeing of the patient and following a scientifically-based approach.
Emphasize and inculcate in students ethical values and professionalism in restorative dental practice.
Contribute to advances in oral healthcare through research into pulp biology, preservation of the hard dental tissues and maintenance of healthy and functional dentition and occlusion.
Play leadership role in the management of tooth tissue defects, diseases of the pulp and periapical tissues, assessment of prosthodontic needs as well as the management of tooth loss, making use of contemporary technologies and materials.
Develop all resources – human, technical and infrastructural – so as to be at the forefront of contemporary best practice in an area of dentistry that is subject to rapid change.